Carbon Assimilation and Modelling of
the European Land Surfaces ( CAMELS) is a project funded by European
Commission DG Research - Vth Framework Programme.
Under the Kyoto Protocol to the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Annex I countries
are permitted to partially offset their emissions of CO2 by
carbon accumulated due to forest management and additional human-induced
change in land-use and land management. The related sources and sinks of
CO2 must be reported in a transparent and verifiable
manner. CAMELS will provide key support to EU countries in meeting
their obligations under Kyoto, through the following products:
(i) Best estimates and uncertainty bounds for the
contemporary and historical land carbon sinks in Europe and
elsewhere, isolating the effects of direct land-management.
(ii) A prototype carbon cycle data assimilation
system (CCDAS) exploiting existing data sources (e.g. flux measurements,
carbon inventory data, satellite products) and the latest terrestrial
ecosystem models (TEMs), in order to produce operational estimates of
Kyoto sinks.
CAMELS will pioneer a highly innovative method of estimating
contemporary carbon fluxes, involving the assimilation of observed data
into terrestrial carbon cycle models. The new scheme will be used
to address the following questions:
i) Where are the current carbon sources and sinks located on the land
and how do European sinks compare with other large continental areas?
ii) Why do these sources and sinks exist, i.e. what are the relative
contributions of CO2 fertilisation, nitrogen
deposition, climate variability, land management and land-use change?
iii) How could we make optimal use of existing data sources and the
latest models to produce operational estimates of the European land
carbon sink?
The CAMELS project is carried out by various partner insititues
and is coordinated by Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research,
Met Office, UK. The findings will be communicated to policymakers to
inform EU policy within the UNFCCC. |